Full text: Commissions I and II (Part 3)

Photogrammetria, XIX, No. 6 
on the next flight axis in a minimum of time with a maximum of certainty. Its 15 scales 
incorporate the relations mentioned in the previous paragraphs on a logarithmic scale. 
3.4.5 Input — Output. 
Line spacing by 
approach turns 
M +i =A 
M - d -- A 
GS At = i 
2(1-cosY)R = d 
£ût=N / ' 
forS-turn- >—v—=—forU-turn- 
R (2cos8 + 1 -^ jL ^ sinS)= M 
^ t t J 
9.81 /o tan/3 V =£ 
t t 
S GS At 
Approach turns and their combinations are composed on various flight elements any 
of which can be introduced as a given parameter or as a desired performance. 
In a logical sequence, an angle of bank /? can be introduced together with the air 
plane’s speed in turn (TAS) to produce a certain rate of turn e as output. 
This rate of turn s, used as input together with the airplane’s turn speed V will 
produce an air radius of turn R. 
If a crosswind component is present, the resulting survey drift <5 can be introduced 
as input together with the air radius of turn R to obtain the ground spacing M as output 
in a ground coordinate system. 
If an S-turn is required, the rate of turn e is used as input together with the elapsed 
time A t to obtain heading change W as output. 
This heading change used as input together with turn radius R produces S-turn 
displacement d. 
Displacement d subtracted from ground diameter M produces flight line spacing A 
as final output. 
If a U-turn is desired, the across-line ground speed GS is introduced during elapsed 
time A t to produce intermission i as output. 
This intermission, added to ground spacing M will result in flight line spacing A as 
final output. 
3.5 Side lap by line spacing. 
3.5.1 Relation. 
If (1—w r T ) = Z r tan (/? r + A/5) is used to obtain proper line spacing at all points, 
the minimum side lap is obtained automatically. At any elevation h v the side lap v x is 
obtained from A = s . E x (1—v x ). 
3.5.2 Input — Output. 
Side lap by 
line spacing 
A = line spacing 
E x = local photo scale 
s = image size 
are used as input to obtain the desired 
local side lap v x as output. 
-i -i 
1-A E. s =v. 
A E. s 

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