Full text: Commissions I and II (Part 3)

This system of using weather records thus has obvious drawbacks for 
planning aerial mapping operations. 
A solution of this problem is possible by combining the long range high 
speed capabilities of the new mapping aircraft with instantaneous data 
obtainable from the U. S. weather satellites. 
The new Tiros weather satellites are now in continuous service.' The 
polar orbit of this satellite, the new Automatic Picture Transmission (APT) 
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camera and the simple transportable ground receivers that can be used in 
any location world-wide makes it possible to pinpoint clear areas for the 
photo aircraft. With a high speed jet aircraft and instantaneous weather 
reporting it will be possible to overcome one of the major problems in 
aerial mapping. 
Aerial electronic surveying will be independent of visual photo missions. 
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The field support unit, consisting of ten ground stations,/ will call upon 
the operational unit only when its ground stations are installed and on 
the air. Operational mission aircraft will then be sent to the area to 
accomplish the aerial trilateration surveying and control point photography. 
The long range RC-135 aircraft will either fly round robin survey missions 
from its home base or stage at a suitable airfield. In any event, concentrated 
flights will rapidly acquire the aerial survey measurements and the control 
point photography for the 10 operational ground stations in a maximum of a 
few days. The aircraft will return to its operating base where the collected 
data will be evaluated. The RC-135 aircraft are freed then for other 
operational missions while evaluation adjustment and ground movements take 
An ideal operating unit for extensive areas coverage*, would have two 
RC-135 aircraft. Two helicopters would support the ground station movements. 
The RC-130 aircraft would accomplish the smaller requirements: visual 
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photography, station photo, etc. In effect, under this operating concept, 
the long range aircraft will be called upon for bulk accomplishments, for 
vhich it is best suited, and the RC-130 aircraft will acquire the diversified 
individual tasks for which it is best suited. 
If visualized properly, this operational concept permits a continuous 
productive effort. Visual aerial mapping pursued daily in the good weather 
areas, and the ground stations for aerial surveying, either moving or in 
place and calling upon the operational unit for a trilateration survey or 
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control point photography. 
: current 
Although the operational concept envisions the aircraft capable of 
obtaining vertical and horizontal control as well as visual photography, 
there is no intent to conclude or infer that the ground surveyor is 
*Note: For small areas one RC-135 a/c could be deployed.

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