Full text: Commissions I and II (Part 3)

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KC-6A Summary 
This brief exposition covers the significant characteristics of the KC-6A 
camera in which first order mapping accuracy will not be sacrificed for 
high image quality photography when that camera is flown in high speed 
vehicles. Fairchild development and quality control engineers now have 
enough experience with the prototype to know that it will capably perform 
this major role in the Air Force AN/USQ-28 system being developed by 
Kollsman. Since the KC-6A leans heavily in its design on the proved operational 
features of the Fairchild line of mapping cameras, its capability as a single 
instrument in any mapping project is also assured. 
From the time man first began to explore outer space, it was inevitable that 
cameras would be used to obtain information. To date, both TV cameras 
and hand-held cameras in orbiting satellites have sent or brought previously 
unavailable data back to earth. The NASA spacecraft, destined for a "soft" 
landing on the moon in 1965, will mount three cameras. Two of these will be 
used to survey the terrain after the landing. Mirrors will step in azimuth 
and elevation, responding to earth-directed commands, such that the cameras 
observe and record the entire surrounding terrain. 
Initially, the vidicon came ras were designed as simple, good resolution, zoom 
systems. In this category their characteristics allow 25 to 100 millimeters 
focal lengths in selected steps, and zooming for targets at 6 feet to infinity. 
These vidicon cameras, under the guidance of the Jet Propulsion Laboratory 
engineers, are now assuming photogrammetric capability, primarily by additions 
to and modification of the original camera design and by employing special 
testing techniques which provide special calibration data. Included in these 
techniques is the investigation of the geometric operational precision and 
reliability of the camera under simulated environmental conditions. 
Testing consists, first, of determining resolution and distortion characteristics 
for equally spaced positions on the zoom and focus drives; in particular, the 
repeatability and the exact position being determined such that the stability of 
a scale factor, the stability of the selected center, the distortions, symmetric 
and asymmetric, may be known. Special goniometric techniques and calibrated 
focusing collimators are being used in these applications. Targets at known 
* The vidicon system has been designed for space operation under contract 
950552 for the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology, 
under contract NAS7-100 sponsored by the National Aeronautics and Space 
A dm ini st ration.

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