Full text: Commissions I and II (Part 3)

1 Icarus falls into the sea 1 
2 The Flying Man 2 
3 A Montgolfier (Hot Air Balloon) 4 
4 Ballooning over the Rooftops of Paris 6 
5 Balloon in Use at the Battle of Fleurus 7 
6 Nadar raising photography to the height 
of the art 12 
7 Nadar’s balloon "Le Geant” 13 
8 The Arch of Triumph - photographed by 
Nadar, probably from Henri Gifford's 
captive balloon in the Hippodrome 14 
9 Boston - "as seen by the eagle and the 
wild goose" 18 
10 Balloon-Boat G. W. Parke Custis, with 
Balloon Washington in Ascension near 
Budd's Ferry, Maryland 20 
11 Balloon in use as aerial observation 
post during the American Civil War. ...... 21 
12 LaMontain's aerial reconnaissance report 22 
13 Woodbury's automatic system for balloon 
photography 26 
14 Triboulet uses a camera pivoted on the 
basket's edge for vertical photography 27 
15 Fairman's apparatus for photography 28

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