Full text: Commissions I and II (Part 3)

by means of a universal joint, the instrument will be pre 
vented from revolving on its vertical axis" (Figure 22). 
What Maul was describing was none other than a camera with a 
stabilizing gyroscope--the granddaddy of the gyro-stabilized torquer 
mount used extensively today for aerial photographic equipment. 
In putting his idea into practice, Maul started with a small 
camera, about the size of a Rolliflex, and by 1912, he had worked 
up to a 90-pound system including an 8 x 10 view camera and gyro, 
which he succeeded in boosting to what was then the phenominal height 
29, 30, 31 
of 2,600 feet (Figures 23, 24 25). 
The first man to recognize the value of a "bird's eye in the sky" 
was the alert, intelligent pilot of a unique cargo ship his name 
was Noah, and his ship was the Ark (Figure 26)i 
"And he stayed yet another seven days; and again he sent 
forth the dove out of the ark and the dove came in to him 
in the evening; and, lo, in her mouth was an olive leaf 
plucked off (Figure 27); so Noah knew that the waters were 
abated from off the earth."

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