Full text: Commissions I and II (Part 3)

Beckwith Havens 
519 East 86th Street 
New York 28, N. Y. 
Sept. I9th. I960 
Dear Mr.Quick; 
Sorry this is not the size picture you 
requested but hope it will do. 
I was doing a weeks exhibition flying at 
the Texas State Fair,Dallas in I9II*A newspaper reprter 
covering the show carried a camera and we talked of the 
possibility of taking pictures from the plane,a single 
seater,all Curtiss built in those days.As you see we att 
ached the camera to the wing,and the bulb to the control 
wheel and I enclose four samples of the result,pictures 
of the fair grounds,and printed in the paper each day. 
In an article in Inquire magazine some 
time ago,on aerial photography,these were given credit 
with being the first photographs taken from a airplane 
Beckwith Havens

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