Full text: Commissions I and II (Part 3)

Fig. 3. Grassfield near the Lamco Saw-Mill. Touching the small pase-by road, 
constructed by Lamco, an oval ring-shaped defence wall is perceptible. The 
sketch is at scale 1: 13,000. The old name of this town was Gbonni, called after 
the Old Gbonni town not far from the border town of Kitonh. 
does not forget anything »— that is an expression well defining the 
pregnancy and the exactness of the photogrammetric image. 
But also the non-archaeologist and even the amateur has a chance to 
contribute to the discovery of the monuments and relics of the past. 
Especially the cartographer, generally well versed in the photogram 
metric interpretation will find features in his study of the terrain that 
will reveal themselves as unreal or unlogical. A close study will often 
lead to the conclusion that the feature has an archaeological character. 
The photogrammetric activity executed by LAMCO Joint Venture 
in Liberia has been faced with similar experiences. Thus some ring- 
shaped contours of more or less circular character have been discovered 
on the grassfields of the Nimba Area and its surroundings thanks to 
the aerial photographs. Completely hidden by grass of one metre or 
more in height such features of the terrain do escape the human eye 
looking from the ground. The aerial photographs, however, studied in a 
stereoscopical way, thus giving a three-dimensional impression of 
all features, will uncompromisingly reveal any anomalousness. In this 
case the stereo-interpretation has stated that the features in question 
were ring-shaped walls. They must obviously be man’s work and 
probably built as defence walls around a settlement.

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