Full text: Commissions I and II (Part 3)

ein Gamma 
sich nach fol 
!g «Soll = l S 1 
Im angeführ 
aufnahme l / 
erhält man f 
Die aus der 
die Grundlaj 
Wichtig ist, 
effektive En 
abweichen k 
dem Benutz 
toren bekan 
usw. zu beri 
Zungen und 
teten Licht 
zungen sind 
[1] Traenk 
nahmen. Z. 
[2] Michaii 
Moskau 195 
[3] Deutsch 
Skalen, Kal 
[4] Brock, 
grafie (engl, 
[5] Ha riha 
sions. J. 0. 
[6] HOWLE' 
Speed of A 
A, 24, 1—7 
[7] Zeth, L 
zeit für Lu 
und Photoc 
[8] Carmaj 
of Fine De 
[9] Caemai 
sehe Teste 
XIII-4, An 
[10] Friesi 
kleiner De 
Korr., Wiei 
(1956) Nr. 4 
[11] Gost 
fische Mat« 
These conclusions upper said are not yet so definite because too few 
results were available. But the results by Asia Surveying Co., Ltd. 
and Toyo Koku Jigyo Co., Ltd. shown on Table-6 prove the tendency. 
It is supposed that these results are caused by the influence of the 
aerial haze and the refraction of light, 
c) Smaller closing error of relative orientation is expected when orienta 
tion points are selected at outer parts of a stereo-model. 
Though this conclusion may fit with the theoretical consideration it 
must be noticed that by this case vertical parallaxes at outer orienta 
tion points were eliminated very carefully and vertical parallaxes at 
inner points were merely observed after the completion of the relative 
orientation with outer points. 
2) Comparison to TAC photographic film. 
The comparison of PET and TAC photographic films is very important. 
For this purpose Toyo Koku Jigyo Co., Ltd., offered some data which were shown 
on the following table 7 and Fig. 10. 
Fre 4/ 
b) Running mean graph 
Fig. 10. Comparison of PET and TAC films. 
Т-008, Узоооо 
Von höchs 
nahmen is1 
male Belicl 
elektrischer Belichtungsmesser reale, auf Kammertyp und 
Emulsion abgestimmte Eichwerte zu erhalten, wird vorge 
schlagen, dieselbe mit Hilfe von Testaufnahmen durchzuführen. 
отсюда полезными диапазонами почвернении и экспозиций 
а также с диапазоном средних освещенностей объекта. Эти 
вопросы подробно рассматриваются в данной статье. 

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