Full text: Commissions I and II (Part 3)

governmental: General Survey Office of 
Finland; Topographic Survey of the Defense 
Forces; National Board of Public Roads and 
Waterways in Finland. 
industry (civil): Imatran Voima Osa- 
keyhtio; Finnmap (Engineering). 
university or institute: Institute of 
Compiling of maps for various purposes in 
scales 1:2,000. 1:4,000, 1:10,000, 1:20,000, 
1:100,000, and 1:4,000,000. 
Compiling maps for military and civil pur 
Using of photogrammetry in highway plan 
Photogrammetric mapping for hydroelectric 
power planning purposes. 
Surveying and photogrammetric mapping, 
road planning, rural and city planning 
Management—range, 1 to 3; average, 1.3. 
Supervision—1 to 10; 4. Professional—2 to 
15; 6. 
Technicians—4 to 60; 18. Servicing—0 to 
5; 2. 
Aerial Triangulation and Plotting 
Zeiss C8 (2); Zeiss C5 (4); Wild A8 (12); 
Zeiss Stereotope (1); Kern PG1 (1); B&L 
Balplex Plotter (9); Wild A7 (1); Coordinate 
Recorders added to normal plotting and aerial 
triangulation instruments. 
Other uses made of equipment besides 
map compilation and aerial triangulation: In 
struction and Research; Preliminary highway 
planning; Photogrammetric profile and cross 
section recording; Photogrammetric cross 
sectioning; Compilation of perspective pic 
Aerial Data Recording 
C tvpr A Length Lens Formal Range, m. 
RMK 15/23 150 mm. Pleogon 23X23 500-9,000 
RMK 21/18 210 mm. Topar 18X18 3,000-4,500 
RMK 21/18 210 mm. Orthometar 18X18 3,000-4,000 
RC8 15 cm. Aviogon 18X18 4,500 
Wild RC8 15 cm. Aviogon 23 X23 150-6,500 
recording medium—Present and future 
use: Some infrared experiments have been 
carried out; horizon pictures are being used 
to get rectification data (RMKH 21/18). 
Readings are recorded at flying altitude of 
4,500 m.; horizon camera RMKH 21/18 is 
being used. 
New Instruments 
instruments: Photocartograph Model VI; 
Balplex plotter; RMK with automatic con 
trol; Wild B8 and A8. 
purpose: Compiling of topographic maps; 
to be used with aerial photography of alti 
tudes 500-9,000 m.; making of contact prints 
on paper or glass; plotting of maps 1:500- 
1:5,000 and cross sectioning. 
governmental: Institute Geographic Na 
tional (IGN) 
industry: General Society of Photo- 
Topography (GSPT); French Society for 
Topographic and Photogrammetric Works 
(FSTPW); Aero Photogrammetry Associ 
ation (APA) 
IGN, a public organization attached to the 
Ministry of Public Works and Transporta 
tion, succeeded to the Geographical Depart 
ment of the Army 1940. Its task among others 
to chart the French Territories (Metropolitan 
France and overseas departments and terri 
tories). Within the framework of cooperation, 
it also makes base charts of the independent 
states of Dark Africa that once belonged to 
the French Community. All base charts are 
now made by aerial photogrammetry. 
GSPT was organized in 1933 to carry out 
aerial stereophotogrammetric and terrestrial 
mapping at scales of 1:500 to 1:10,000 with 
approximately 80 personnel. Equipment in 
cludes the Wild A7 (with EK 5), Wild A8, 
Poivilliers “BP” and Wild A2 (for terrestrial 
use). Products include profiles, geologic silt 
measurements and numerical photogram 
metry studies. 
FSTPW was organized in 1960 with about 
45 personnel to carry out photogrammetric 
mapping at 1:1,000 to 1:50,000 scales and 
aerial photography activities. Equipment con- 

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