Full text: Commissions I and II (Part 3)

strumentation to Missile and Space industry 
and operations. 
Degrees in Civil Engineering and Forestry 
predominate in having courses in photogram- 
metry, photo interpretation and photogeol 
ogy. Through University funds, outside 
grants and military contracts Research and 
Development is performed on sensors, equip 
ment, techniques and personal performance. 
Some engage in actual mapping projects. The 
Universities offer the following surveying and 
mapping Graduate Degree Program (Pho- 
togrammetry, Geodesy, Geometronics). 
Univ. of Wisconsin 
Univ. of California 
Cornell Univ. 
Georgia Tech 
Kansas State Univ. 
Ohio State 
Purdue Univ. 
Svracuse Univ. 
Univ. of Illinois 
Univ. of Michigan 
Univ. of Texas 
Univ. of Washington 
Univ. of New Brunswick 
Univ. of Toronto 
Lavai Univ. 
Technical schools offer courses in photogram- 
metry for techniques. 
governmental (Fed.). Management: range 
of number of employees, 2 to 26; average 
number, 11. Supervision, 4 to 73; 28. Pro 
fessional, 10 to 125; 60. Technicians, 2 to 
488; 134. Servicing, 0 to 25; 8. 
governmental (State). Management, 1 to 3; 
—. Supervision, 1 to 12; 2. Professional, 
10 to 125; 60. Technicians, 1 to 52; 16. 
Servicing, none. 
industry. Management, 1 to 14; 5. Supervi 
sion, 1 to 15; 7. Professional, 0 to 125; 20. 
Technicians, 1 to 160; 70. Servicing, 0 to 
18; 4. 
universities. (No reply). 
Aerial Triangulation and 
Plotting Instruments 
Equipment employed in aerial triangula 
tion and plotting covers the spectrum 
from conventional to exotic instrumentation. 
Aerial triangulation is accomplished by opti 
cal train instruments, mono- and stereo-com 
parators, and some use is made of projection 
type plotters which have digital recordings. 
Projection type plotters are predominately 
used in the plotting operations. Computer 
controlled semi-automatic and automatic in 
struments have passed the research and de 
velopment stage, now being used on opera 
tional projects for triangulation and plotting. 
Other use made of equipment besides map 
compilation and aerial triangulation are: 
Photo interpretation 
Terrain profiling for transmission systems 
Cross-sections for volume computations of ter 
rain and objects 
Automatic digital recording of terrain and ob 
jects for digital computer computations and 
automatic plotting. 
Satellite Geodesy 
Tidal Current Surveys 
Earth Crustal Movement 
Stellar triangulation 
Medical, dental and architectural three-posi 
tional recordings 
Research and development 
Analog to digital-digital to analog conversation 
Of the seventy-eight (78) organizations re 
porting the following categories of photo- 
grammetric equipment are being used: 
automatic photogrammetric instruments 
Number of 
Integrated Mapping System 1* 
Orthophotoscope type systems 2 
Automatic Plotting Equipment 2* 
Automatic Aerial Triangulation 
Equipment 2 
Automatic Photo Mosaicking Sys 
tems 1 * 
Automatic Rectification Systems 3 
Automatic Readout and Record 
ing Systems (Pertaining to 
Photogrammetric Equipment) 16 
Automatic Viewing Equipment 2 
analytical photogrammetric instruments 
Linear (Monoscopic) comparators 5 
Stereo comparators 9 
Numerical Photogrammetric aux 
iliary equipment 4 
Coordinate recorders added to 
normal plotting and aerial tri 
angulations instruments 3 
analog (classical) photogrammetric 
Projector type instruments 447 
Super-wide angle instruments 15 
Universal (first-order) photo 
grammetric instruments 21 
Miscellaneous plotting photo 
grammetric instruments 51 
* Experimental Basis.

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