Full text: Commissions I and II (Part 3)

Fig. 6. Stereoplotter, Projection AP-14. 
Stereoplotter, Projection AP-14 
An automated anaglyphic plotter, which 
does not require a computer for its automa 
tion, is represented by the Stereoplotter, 
Projection AP-14 (Figure 6), described by 
Morris Birnbaum, General Precision, Inc. 
Glendale, in his paper entitled “Automatic 
Plotting Equipment.” This instrument, 
which represents a novel departure from 
other attempts in automatic stereocompila 
tion, utilizes a flying spot scanner table fixed 
in X and Y. The scanning pattern is con 
trolled by servos and continuously senses the 
location and direction of contours in the 
model. Thus the system is not limited in its 
plotting speed by mechanical inertia of a 
scanning table, and a relatively simple, lower 
cost system is available. 
The instrument consists of a photoscan sys 
tem and a correlation system. A modified 
Gamble/Balplex Plotter with a photomulti 
plier in each projector head and a high-resolu 
tion flying spot scanner make up the photo 
scan system. Alignment of the scanning rasters 
on the two diapositives is assured by use of this 
single scanning source. The 12-leaf rosette 
scanning raster can be placed anywhere on

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