Full text: Commissions I and II (Part 3)

Cramer, H. 1946. Mathematical Methods of Statistics. Princeton 1946. 
— — 1954. The Elements of Probability Theory and Some of its Applications. New York 
Hald, A. 1957. Statistical Theory with Engineering Applications. New York 1957. 
Hallert, B. 1960 a. Determination of the Flatness of a Surface in Comparison with a Control 
Plane. The Photogrammetric Record, 1960: 15. 
— — 1960 b. Results of Practical Investigations into the Accuracy of Aerial and Terrestrial 
Photographs. Int. Archives of Photogrammetry, Vol. XIII, Comm. I, London 1960. 
Hallert, B., Ottoson, L., Ternryd, C. O. 1960. Fundamental Questions in Relation to 
Controlled Experiments. Int. Society for Photogrammetry, Sub-Commission IV: 4, 
London 1960. 
Hallert, B. 1963 a. Test Measurements in Comparators and Tolerances for Such Instru 
ments. Photogrammetric Engineering, March 1963. 
1963 b. Bestimmung der Präzision und Genauigkeit eines Stereokomparators. Schw. 
Zeitschrift für Vermessung, Kulturtechnik und Photogrammetrie, 1963: 9. 
Hallert, B., Ottoson, L., Öhlin, K. A. 1964. Fundamental Problems in Photogrammetry. 
Int. Society for Photogrammetry, Working Group Comm. II, Lisbon 1964. 
Helmert, F. R. 1907. Die Ausgleichungsrechnung nach der Methode der kleinsten Quadrate. 
Leipzig-Berlin 1907. 
Kaasila, P. 1961. Zur Justierung von X-Schiefe und Breitenfehler in den Autographen A7 
und A8. Photogrammetria, 1961 — 1962: 3. 
Lycken, L. 1956. Test Measurements of Grids. Int. Archives of Photogrammetry, Vol. XII, 
Comm. II, Stockholm 1956.

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