Full text: Commissions I and II (Part 3)

Table of Contents 
Synopsis 3 
Introduction 3 
1. Basic principles for testing photogrammetric instruments and for 
establishing tolerances 4 
1.1. Test measurements and adjustments 4 
1.2. Tolerances 7 
Appendix I 10 
1:1. Some examples of the application of tolerances in practice 10 
1:1.1. Standard error of unit weight 10 
Stereocomparator 10 
Autograph A7 10 
Image coordinates in aerial photographs 11 
The relative orientation 12 
1:1.2. Linear functions of the basic measurements 13 
Stereocomparator .13 
Autographs A7 and A8 13 
Flatness of surfaces 15 
The relative orientation 16 
1:1.3. Root mean square values of standard errors 17 
Appendix II 18 
11:1. Tests of assumed normal distribution 18 
11:1.1. Abstract 18 
11:1.2. The principles of the test 18 
Table I 21 
Conclusions 22 
Zusammenfassung 22 
Résumé 22 

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