Full text: Commissions I and II (Part 3)

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by J. V. Sharp 
Digital data processing equipment can perform many of the needed functions of class 
ical photogrammetric and related map-producing equipment. The uses of standard 
and special experimental equipment are discussed in this report. Included is dis 
cussion of digital techniques related to the following areas: 
• Instrumentation for camera, ground control, and navigation which produces film 
and data required in the conversion to digitized input records for experimental 
map production systems. 
• Equipment to process these digital records for control extension; for rectification 
of tilt, scale and other system distortions; and for computation of elevations, 
removal of relief distortion, and production of contour and other mapping data. 
With this processed data, contour maps, orthophotos, relief maps and charts 
can be experimentally produced. In addition, profile and volumetric data can 
be supplied to compute engineering construction designs and models« 
• Experimental digitizing equipment which can convert this acquired data to 
digital form. (Simple line drawing scanners to more complex film scanners 
for digitizing lines, type characters, printed data, line drawings, photographs, 
and diapositives are described.) 
The purpose of this paper is to discuss the experimental capabilities of digital pro 
cessing and associated experimental equipment which can perform these mapping 
functions in a predominantly digital system. Certain cartographic equipment functions 
can also be performed experimentally by special equipment. A Commission II pro 
posal, based on this paper,* is contained in its appendix for presentation at the Tenth 
International Congress on Photogrammetry. 
* The material in this paper has been cleared for open publication by the Department 
of Defense. Review of this material does not imply Department of Defense endorse 
ment of factual accuracy or opinion.

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