Full text: Commissions I and II (Part 3)

Invited papers: 
Brock, G. C., The Status of image-evaluation in aerial photogrammetry. 
Fish, R. W., Image Location. 
Palmer, D. A., Stereoscopy and Photogrammetry. 
Presented papers: 
Bush, E. W. and M. J. Pappas, SHIRAN — AN/USK-32 Microwave Geodetic 
Survey System. 
Di Carlo, C. and G. J. Eakin, Mapping and Survey System Geodetic 
Clark, J. M. and G. R. Cooper, Some investigations on film flatness in air 
Survey Cameras. 
Corten, F. L., A Survey Navigation System. 
Eden, J. A., The Art of Taking and Examining Air Photographs. 
Kennedy, D., New Airborne Instrumentation for Photogrammetry. 
Kingsley, R. H., A new Technique for Aerial Mapping. 
Krug, W., Neuartige Kontraststeuerung photogrammetrischer Aufnahmen. 
Lewis, J. C., Sensitometric properties of Diazo Films for high Acuity Conti 
nuous tone photographic Reproduction. 
Mark, R. P., Die Kontrastübertragungstheorie in der Photogrammetrie. 
Meier, H. K., Erfahrungen bei Entwicklung und Bau von Luftbildgeräten. 
Moren, A., The Stability of the Film. Measurements in Diapositives Made from 
the Same Negative. 
Muraoka, K., Analysis of Convergent Photographs. 
Norton, C. L., American Mapping Cameras. 
Öhlin, K. A., The influence of the Curvature of the Earth upon Aerial 
Quick, J. R., Eye in the Sky. 
Santoni, E., Problems relating to Reticulation. 
Schoeler, H., Kalibrierung von Messkammern auf Grund von Modelldefor 
Schoeler, H., Umrechnung von Kammerkonstanten bei wechselnden Abstim 
mungsbedingungen . 
Spriggs, R. M., Correlation of data from various methods of aerial Camera 
Szangolies, K. und G. Foss, Ein neues Verfahren zur Bestimmung der Verzei 
chnung an Luftbildern. 
Tham, P., Photogrammetry in the Tropics.

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