Full text: Commissions I and II (Part 3)

BuL 5/1964 159 
Printed in Germany 
V. VII/64 NTo 
Figure 6 shows the combination of a C 8 Stereoplanigraph with the storage unit required for the 
storage technique. 
With the technical means presently available, a further perfection of these techniques to allow the 
human operator B to be replaced by an automatic photoelectric scanning system is only a question 
of expense (an example is the Stereomat of the Raytheon company). The limits of economy in the 
use of such auxiliary devices are reached in such cases where the automat depends to a large extent 
on human interference (human memory). 
5. Results 
The enclosed picture shows, as an example, a section of an orthophotogram produced in the GZ 1. 
It was obtained by the first of the aforementioned two methods, i. e. with the GZ 1 directly coupled 
to the plotter. For technical data, see the reverse of the picture. When studying the quality of this 
orthophotogram, special attention should be given to image quality, to possible variations in density 
between the different exposure strips, to disturbing lines between the strips and to mismatches, i. e. 
a displacement of normally continuous lines at the edges of the strips. 
Photomaps thus obtained may become an interesting aid in the preparation of geodetic maps. 
A few printed photomaps have already been published in the United Staates. Another important 
example is the economic map of Sweden. The use of these photomaps for map revision opens up 
additional, interesting possiblities, above all in connection with the storage procedure, because the 
original map to be revised can be placed on the latest “mapdike” aerial photographs and the changes 
entered by simple drafting techniques. 
The Zeiss GZ 1 Orthoprojector is designed for the productio of “photomaps” by strip-by-strip 
transformation of photographs from perspective to orthographic projection. The paper gives a 
brief description of the instrument both with and without storage device and mentions comparable 
designs. The following characteristics are particularly remarkable: Direct optical projection with 
magnifications ranging up to 4 X, rigorously sharp imagery at central slit point, suitability for 
black-and-white and color photography, interpolation device for reduction of mismatches resulting 
from residual errors of measurement. 
[1] o. Lacmann: Entzerungsgerät für nicht ebenes Gelände, BuL 1931, p. 10. 
[2J R. Ferber: Obtention photographique de la projection orthogonale d’un objet, Bull. Photogramm. 1933, p. 
[3] R. K. Bean: Development of the Orthophotoscope, Phot. Eng. 1955, p. 529. 
[4] F. Iljin-Tjihomirov: The slit-rectifier FT-Schtsch (Hungarian), Geodezia es Kartografia 1959, p. 92. 
O. Weibrecht: Neue Vorschläge zur Entzerrung von Fuftbildern bergigen Geländes, Vermessungstechnik 
1963, p.145. 
[5] J. Boyajean: The implementation of the Integrated Mapping System, Phot. Eng. 1961, p. 55. 
[6] J. V. Sharp: Progress on Computational Photogrammetry at IBM, Phot. Eng. 1962, p. 749. 
[7] S. Bertram: Automatic Map Complilation System, Phot. Eng. 1963, pp. 184 and 675. 
[8] W. Löscher: Über die Entwicklungsmöglichkeiten und die Automation in der Photogrammetrie, Fes, 
schrift Schmidheini 1963, p. 42. 
[9] K. Schwidefsky: Das Entzerrungsgerät, Bad Liebenwerda, Berlin 1935. 
[10] W. C. Cude: Automation in Mapping, Surveying and Mapping 1962, p. 413.

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