Full text: Commissions I and II (Part 3)

The camera compartment, Figure 4, is situated in the lower 
forward section of the aircraft. This portion was selected so that 
minimum disturbances to the optical path would result from boun 
dary layer. At the present time, only the prime and alternate 
camera stations shall be installed in the aircraft. However, pro 
visions (controls, power, etc.) for two super wide angle mapping 
camera and panoramic cameras have been provided in the aircraft 
so that the U.S. Air Force can install these cameras at a later date. 
The camera compartment is pressurized and temperature controlled 
to provide the optimum in camera performance. 
The cameras and mount specifications are listed in Table II. 
Lens Geocon IV, Color Corrected, 3 wave 
Focal Length 6 inch 
Aperture f/5 
Angular Field 93 diagonal 
Film Format 9 in. X 9 in. 
Resolution 45 lines /AWAR 
Distortion Max. 8 microns; flat field 
Shutter Rapidyne; 1/100 - 1/800 seconds, 
(midpoint pulse generation) 
Reseau Grid 5X5,2 in. spacings, 50 micron 
dot size 
Ficucial Accuracy +0.01 millimeters; 2 mils dot size 
Aux. Fiducials t 0. 001 sec. shutter midpoint 
IMC 0. 1 - 0. 8 inch per sec. 
Auto Exposure Control .... 1/2 f stops; 100-4,000 foot lamberts 
ASA Range 20-2, 000 at photo format 
Verticality Record "t }5 minutes; resolution to 5 secs. 
Auxiliary Data 1 inch CRT Projection 
Camera Window 30 inch diameter 
Film Format 5 inch roll 
Capacity 4, 000 ft. 
Scan Angle 110° 
Lens 12 in. F.L., f/3. 8 
Resolution 70 lines/mm 
Cycling Rate 1 c. p. s. (max. ) 
IMC 0. 2 to 2 inches/sec.

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