Full text: Commissions I and II (Part 3)

Prime Mounts 
Steadiness 0.5 secs. /millisecond 
Pitch & Roll Limits . mech. + 8°, operational - 3° 
Azimuth Slew Rate 150 / min. 
Pan Mount 
Azimuth only, 
ational - 20° 
4* ^ r- O 
- 25 , oper- 
The prime vertical mount supports both an inertial platform 
and a KC-6A camera. A unity power periscope links the camera 
with the inertial platform. This linkage Figure 5, directly records 
on each picture frame a projection of error angle between the 
coarsely stabilized film platen and the precision vertical. The 
verticality record on the film Figure 6, is accurate to thirty arc 
seconds (three sigma). The range of this readout is - 15 minutes; 
with resolution to five seconds. Another function of the IRU is to 
stabilize the prime mount to ten minutes (three sigma) and alter 
nate prime mount to 15 minutes of arc (three sigma). This design, 
precision verticality recording, less precise stabilization, minimizes 
the need for critical alignment and assembly techniques. 
Both camera mounts are shock mounted to the airframe, great 
ly reducing any resolution problems arising from vibration. Each 
mount will accept drift measurements from the navigation system of 
- 20° with a slewing rate of 150°/min. The mounts can be caged for 
operation in an unstabilized mode. Each mount has a fluid weight 
shifter for compensation of film transfer. Physically, the weight 
shifter consists of two tanks opposed to each other along the film 
magazine axis. A pump submerged in the fluid is located in one tank 
The pump motor is actuated by unbalance as indicated by servo error 
and will redistribute the fluid appropriately. The weight shifter is 
capable of correcting for a film transfer of 105 inch pounds.

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