Full text: Commissions II (Cont.) (Part 4)

The conception of the prototype of the Stereosimplex mod. II as 
a plotter of the second order, begins in 1948. 
In the same year the Stereocartograph mod. IV was presented at 
Scheveningen that substituted the already successfully series of the 
Stereocartograph model III. 
The Stereosimplex mod. II was conceived by ^antoni for map 
ping at medium and small scale for professional instruction being 
adapted also for terrestrial photogrammetry. It was realized by 
Officine Galileo of Florence with criteria which should point it at 
the general attention. 
In the developing of the ideas the inventor followed the concepts 
already validated by preceeding achievements, for example the 
Stereocartograph mod. Ill (1928), creating for the new instrument 
constructive solutions of particular advantages; between these the 
crossed guide rods having semi-anular section. 
The principal caracteristics of the Stereosimplex mod. II can be 
summarized as follows: 
• mechanical projection of the homologous rays 
• movable photograms and ¡binocular fixed microscope for 
• correction by mechanical means of the distortion of the taking 
lens through aspheric cams of easy construction 
• plotting of grandangular photographs (up to 90° in the field) 
• use of photograms reduced to the standard dimensions of 
10 X 10 cm. 
• possibility of introducing directly the components bx, by and 
b% of the base 
• carriages jv and y of the coordinatograph controlled contempo 
raneously by a single pantographic system 
• pencil carried by a tracing pantograph capable of magnification 
and reductions to 2,5 times. 
The instrument permitted the amplification up to 4 times between 
the scale of the original photogram and that of the design, consider 
ing the reduction of the photograms themselves necessary for the 
After 10 years the production of the instrument was notably modified 
and the new version was given the name of Stereosimplex Il/b. 
With the idea of semplifying the construction and better respond

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