Full text: Commissions II (Cont.) (Part 4)

As we have already said each camera is provided with components 
to introduce the longitudinal and trasversal (to and <p) tiltings 
and the rotation K to ristore the angular conditions of the taking 
camera at the time of the two successive exposures. 
The measurements are formed by means of screws that guarantee 
high precision and great stability. 
Examining the linear components of the orientation, of these the 
base bx, variable between 90 and 250 mm., is formed directly 
and its measure read on a graduated scale situated in visible 
Being instead the instrument without the components by and b% 
each single model is made by reciprocal rotations (Ki, K 2 ) of 
the two photographs. In place of the component b% is tilted the 
bridge that holds both cameras. Compared with other plotters 
also without components by and b% it must be noted that Stereo- 
simplex II/c has a rotation K of the model around a vertical axis. 
as a variation of the principal distance and that the cam introduces 
in the projection camera variations of said principal distance, 
equal point for point to those of the taking lens.

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