Full text: Commissions II (Cont.) (Part 4)

be used interchangeably to carry diapositives or 
film sheets. The control console includes a stereo 
viewer for monitoring the automatic compilation 
operation; it is arranged to permit stereo obser 
vation of images from any two of the four tables, 
thus providing a capability for making virtually 
simultaneous stereo comparator measurements on 
up to four diapositives. To assist in the com 
parator operation, the images can be rotated 90 
degrees to facilitate observation of Y parallax, 
and the left and right images interchanged to 
obtain a pseudostereo view. A reference viewer 
on the console is intended to carry a print corre 
sponding to a diapositive used in one of the tables. 
The viewer has a carriage which may be slaved to 
any one of the four tables in accordance with the 
position of a selector switch. A light moved by the 
carriage illuminates a small area on the photo 
print to indicate the area under observation at the 
corresponding table. A position control, located 
under the reference viewer, permits the operator 
to change (through the computer) the x- and/or 
y-position of any of the tables or the height during 
compilation. A set of pushbuttons on the console 
permits the operator to select the desired opera 
tional mode. 
A Bunker-Ramo Model 133 Digital Computer, 
shown to the right of the console in Figure 10, 
calculates the table coordinates and scan coeffi 
cients and controls the operations. A typewriter at 
the left of the console is used for computer check 
out and off-line program and data preparation. A 
two-bay electronic rack carries the timing signal 
generators, scan generators, correlators, and com 
puter interface equipment. Table servo- and scan- 
drive amplifiers are located in small racks 
adjacent to the associated tables. 
The configuration of a scanning table is shown 
in Figure 11. The UAMCE requires four of these 
The requirements for the table are quite 
unusual. It must be capable of moving a 9- by 
18-inch glass plate at peak speeds of over two 
inches per second on orthogonal axes (with an 
average speed of one inch per second during com 
pilation) and of positioning the scanning to 
within a 4-micron rms error on the plate. The 
required two-coordinate motion is provided by 
dual carriages, with one carriage riding on top 
of the other.

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