Full text: Commissions II (Cont.) (Part 4)

Cramer, H. Mathematical Methods of Statistics. Princeton 1946. 
Hallert, B. A New Method for the Determination of the Distortion and the Inner Orienta 
tion of Cameras and Projectors. Photogrammetria XI:3, 1954. 
Photogrammetry. Me Graw-Hill, New York 1960. 
Results of Practical Investigations into the Accuracy of Aerial and Terrestrial Photo 
graphs. Communication to the IX International Congress of Photogrammetry, Comm. 
I, London 1960. 
Determination of the Interior Orientation of Cameras for Non-topographic Photo 
grammetry, Microscopes, X-ray Instruments and Television Images. Photogram- 
metric Engineering Dec., 1960. 
Investigations of the Weights of Image Coordinates in Aerial Photographs. Photo- 
grammetric Engineering Sept., 1961. 
Weitere Untersuchungen über die Gewichtsverteilung in photographischen Mess 
bildern. Zeitschrift für Vermessungswesen Okt., 1961. 
Brown, D.C. Precision Photogrammetry in Missile Testing. Photogrammetric Engineering. 
June 1959. 
Rosenfield, G. The Application of Analytical Photogrammetry to Missile Projectory 
Measurement. Photogrammetric Engineering Sept., 1961. 
Schmid, H. Precision Photogrammetry a Tool of Geodesy. Photogrammetric Engineering 
Dec., 1961.

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