Full text: Commissions II (Cont.) (Part 4)

followed by a short description of the instruments for prepara 
tion for mapping and a more detailed description of the resti 
tution instruments and information on their accuracies. 
2. Ultra uide angle camera and auxiliary airborne instruments 
An integrated system of airborne instrumentation for both 
ultra uide and uide angle photography has been developed by 
Wild during recent years. The individual items of equipment 
for ultra uide angle photography are as follous: 
- PAU2 Universal Mount, accepting the 
- RC9 Super Hide Angle Camera equipped uith either the Super- 
Aviogon or the Super Infragon lens, and the 
- HC1 Horizon Camera; 
- RST2 Recording Statoscope; 
- (\JFI Navigation Sight; 
- PNG1 Servo Control Unit, for remote control of the camera tip, 
tilt and drift settings from the NF1 Navigation Sight. 
This instrumentation is described in the Presented Paper "Neu 
Integrated Airborne Instrumentation for Photogrammetry" (8). 
3. HiId Instruments for preparation for mapping 
PdCiSliOÎËlElËÎËÎiSn • For narma l mapping purposes (e.g. topo 
graphical, geological), examination of contact prints or 
diapositives in the ST4 Mirror Stereoscope under lx or 3x 
magnification is sufficient for photo-interpretation, uhereas 
enlargements made in the UG1 Enlarger are required for notation 
in applications such as forestry and geographical studies. 
Military applications require stereo interpretation on high- 
resolution records (original negatives, diapositives) under 
the greater magnifications possible uith the ST4 uith 8x 
eyepieces or uith a Hild Stereomicroscope. 
ÎEEÎiliEEÏiEO : The neuj ^ Enlarger-Rectifier replaces the 
earlier model E3. Details of this instrument are given in 
the Presented Paper by R.Scholl (9). The tip and tilt values 
derived from Horizon Camera photographs can be made use of 
in the rectification process.

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