Full text: Commissions II (Cont.) (Part 4)

The tracing stand is nou mounted not on polished agates, but on 
rolling ball bearings. The maximum enlargement for direct plot 
ting uith the tracing stand pencil is 1.66 times the negative 
scale. For reductions, a parallelogram reducing pantograph is 
attached to the tracing stand, the plotting then being made on 
the right side of the base frame. 
Since both the A9 and the B9 are being used for larger scales 
than were originally foreseen, the B8 linear pantograph and 
a side plotting table are nou available for the B9 (Fig.4) for 
enlargements up to 4 times negative scale. Ten pairs of en- 
changeable (and invertible) gears provide for a uide range of 
enlargements or reductions from model to manuscript scale. 
Fiq.5.: Wild STK1 Stereocomparator uith EK6 Electric 
Coordinate Printer and SL15 Tape Punch

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