Full text: Commissions II (Cont.) (Part 4)

the STK1 is not in use, or connected by means of a junction 
box tc the STK1 and one of the Autographs for alternate use 
uith either measuring instrument. For recording on punch tape 
the 5-channel Wild SL15 can be connected to the EK6 relay cabinet. 
The Wild B8 Aviograph (Fig.6) is the compilation instrument in 
the analytical STK1/B8 system. It has been described in (6) and 
is already knoun since its flexibility has found a wide range 
of applications in many technical fields for restitution from 
ultra uide and uide angle photography on panchromatic, infrared 
and colour emulsions. Scales for tpand ^6 are nou obtainable for 
this plotter, and many other technical improvements have been made 
since the first production-line B8 ! s were delivered three years 
As far as automatic plotting is concerned, it is foreseen that 
the B8-Stereomat uill accept original size ultra uide angle 
photographs. Descriptions by W.Loscher and R.de Graaf uill be 
found in (ID) and (ll). 
Fig. 6.: Wild B8 Aviograph, shoun here uith side table 
and linear pantograph.

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