Full text: Commissions II (Cont.) (Part 4)

more precisely, more promptly and more simply carried out by the aid of the new 
arrangement in the form of division of the operation; thus first of all, a stereo 
pricking device (ASIA KRP) was set to design and its plan was completed on July, 
1959 whilst its completion took place on April, 1960. 
And then the photo comparator (ASIA KRC) was completed on December, 1961. 
These instruments were thoroughly studied, devised and plan was drawn up by 
ourselves. We entrusted their manufacture to a surveying instrument maker, 
Sokkisha, for our use. 
Thereafter improved types of both of them were also manufactured and at 
present three sets of KRP and two sets of KRC are in use. 
Stereo Pricking Device (ASIA KRP) 
It is the object of this instrument precisely and distinctly to prick the meas 
ured points on a diapositive (which is a transparent positive plate made by making 
use of dry plate, film or other substances as material). 
Performance and Effect 
Distinct measured points made on the diapositive enable the orientation of the 
pass points on the precise plotting machine easier, to reduce the time necessary 
for it and moreover to get higher precision of orientation. And still further they 
can bring about the effect of making the analytical aerial triangulation or the 
measurement of the points used for calculation of the elements of orientation very 
ASIA KRP (Stereo Pricking Device)

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