Full text: Commissions II (Cont.) (Part 4)

Figure 4 Principle cf Parallax Measurement by Stereomat 
The phase difference is measured electronically and the resulting 
signal is used for automatic control of the Z servo motor. It is 
important to note that the phase and not the amplitude of the 
tuo signals is compared. This means that the process is independent 
of individual density differences in the diapositives. 
In Figure 5 the B8 Stereomat and its electronics are shown. The 
electronics have subsequently been enclosed in a small console 
mounted at the right side of the instrument. 
Depending on the mode of operation of the instrument, either auto 
matic contours or profiles can be produced from the stereo model. 
These tuo functions are essentially identical to those in the first 
Stereomat as described by Hobrough (l).

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