Full text: Commissions II (Cont.) (Part 4)

Figure 5 B8 Stereomat with Electronic Components 
Production of a map, houever, consists not only of delineating 
the shape of the terrain by contour lines or profiles, it also 
calls for the presentation of the planimetrie detail. For this 
purpose, the B8 Stereomat uas equipped with a device to produce 
With the Stereomat system in the profiling mode, the tracing stand 
is moved systematically over the entire stereoscopic model area in 
narrouly spaced lines, propelled by the X and Y servo motors. Since 
the space rod intersection follous continuously the model surface, 
the entire model is thus scanned automatically as required for the 
production of an orthophotograph. 
A television image of the zone being scanned is produced on the screen 
of a third cathode ray tube uhich prints the orthophotograph. The 
amplitude of the current from one of the tuo scanner photocells

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