Full text: Commissions II (Cont.) (Part 4)

15• Discussion 
The AP-2 represents a significant advance in stereophotogrammetric 
instrumentation. In its approach to the photogrammetric problems, it is 
a universal instrument able to handle any kind of camera material with 
first order accuracy regardless of its format, focal length, tilt and 
calibration characteristics. With its Black Box capability, it can make 
fuller use of ground survey data to overcome operator error in relative 
orientation and lack of calibration data. 
The AP-2 in its present form is not expected to reduce operator 
time significantly in bridging and compilation. These operations 
are limited more by judgement and decision making operations than 
by the instrument operations. 
The AP-2 allows an advance in the concepts of utilization of the 
general body of photogrammetric materials. In the past, current photo 
grammetric practice has been to call for the use of special calibrated, 
relatively distortion free, camera materials for control extension and 
compilation. Unfortunately, to obtain distortion free materials we have 
invariably compromised resolution. Because of its capabilities for 
removing known and unknown distortions, and to partition photographs 
which have been photographically processed to extract every bit of 
information which their resolution can support, the AP-2 can take advan 
tage of existing higher resolution systems whether they are based on 
panoramic, slit, or conventional frame geometry. Higher resolution 
systems go hand in hand with high flying, high performance aircraft. 
The gains to be achieved through increased coverage taken from the 
more stable flight platforms afforded by such high flying systems 
will cause us to throw away many of the rules we have been operating 
under in the past. 
The transition from conventional instrumentation to an instrument 
as complex as the AP-2 will not be an easy one for most organizations. 
It is a superior tool and requires superior trained people and 
organization to operate it if all its capabilities are to be realized. 
Whereas in the past, A-7> stereo planigraphs, etc., could be set up 
in a room to operate in an independent self-sufficient manner, plant 
organization and management must realize that such isolation is 
not practical as far as the AP-2 is concerned. Integration with other 
plant facilities is a necessity in order to make full use of 
computer, photographic and analytical processes which can support the 
unique capabilities of this instrument.

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