Full text: Commissions II (Cont.) (Part 4)

The growing use of photogrammetry for purposes requiring a very 
high degree of accuracy induces constructors to build plotting 
apparatuses in which systematic instrumental errors are reduced 
to practically negligible values. On the other hand, quite remarkable 
errors in plotting may be due to temperature, to state of moisture 
during the printing of diapositives as well as to constant and acci 
dental deformations of the photographic image (especially as obta 
ined from films), likely to be caused by development baths. 
The most usual procedure to check for deformations is to apply a 
glass plate to the camera; on the outer surface of said plate, in cor 
respondence to the focal plane, several reference marks are engraved 
in known positions and the very same marks appear also on the 
If, through comparison with the marks of the camera referring to 
the known positions, we find on the diapositives the shifts due to 
film deformation, we shall be able to make the proper allowance 
for these shifts, especially if we apply analytical methods. 
Stereocartograph V, designed by Ing. Santoni, who availed himself 
of his 40-year experience as a designer of plotting apparatuses, sati 
sfies the following requirements: 
• Appropriate expedients allowed us to reduce systematic instru 
mental errors, 
• With the aid of two auxiliary devices, supplied on request, it is 
possible further to reduce residual instrumental errors of projection 
due to systematic and accidental deformations of the photographic 
Further characteristics of this instrument are stated in the descrip 
tion hereafter.

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