Full text: Commissions II (Cont.) (Part 4)

of the A2 Universal Autograph, which was based on the 
principle of optical-mechanical projection. A stereometric 
camera of 40 on base length for interior photography was 
also available. 
These instruments had been designed for police use for 
forensic photogrammetry, without however being restricted 
to their single application. Since then, the instruments 
have proved themselves in daily use in numerous countries. 
In Switzerland, traffic and highway police and the criminal 
investigation service have long been equipped with them. 
The particular advantage of a photogrammetric survey is 
not only to be found in the rapid, complete and accurate 
record obtained (for example, scene of accident evidence): 
the integrity of the photographs gives them an unimpeachable 
documentary valve. In a contested case, supplementary 
measurements for the reconstruction of a situation can be 
taken from the stereo photographs even years later, which 
is not possible with any other method. 
While stereoscopic survey photographs of traffic accidents 
have found widespread acceptance in practice, the numerous 
other potential applications have so far remained in the 
background. It was left largely to the Colleges and Uni 
versities to conduct experiments in other fields of 
application and to solve other problems photogrammetrically. 
Recently, though, interest in using photogrammetry in non- 
topographic fields has grown markedly. Mainly in architecture, 
in the field of preservation of monuments and in animal 
breeding, the advantages and versatility of photogrammetry 
have become more widely recognized. An added stimulus was 
provided by the possibility of processing the measurement 
data in electronic computers. 
With the expansion of the fields of application of short 
range photogrammetry and with its increased utilization, 
it seemed advisable to adapt the instrumentation to the 
new tasks and to give it, to a certain extent, more uni 
versality. The result is two new designs by Wild Heerbrugg Ltd: 
1. The Wild C120 Stereometric Camera 
2. The Wild A40 Autograph 
In the following, both instruments and their characteristics 
are described. 
1. The C120 Wide Angle Stereometric Camera 
A. Construction 
Like the earlier C12 Camera, the new C120 Stereometric 
Camera consists of a rigid base tube which is easily 
fitted onto the platform of a cylindrical column. This 
vertical central column is supported in a levelling 
tribrach on a wooden tripod, and can be elevated nearly

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