Full text: Commissions II (Cont.) (Part 4)

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Police work; recording of accidents and evidence 
for forensic purposes 
Architecture; plotting of building elevations 
Preservation of monuments; 
recording of historical structures 
Mining and tunneling 
Zoology; photograms for body measurements for 
breed improvement 
Automobile and aircraft construction; 
photograms of scale models 
Aerodynamics; photograms for air flow measurements 
Statics and materials testing: 
photograms for stress analyses 
Hydrology; photograms for flow experiments in scale 
The A40 Autograph is not only the companion measuring in 
strument of the C120 camera, it also permits, as mentioned, 
the plotting of pictures taken with other makes of cameras, 
as long as the "normal case" applies or the camera axes 
are parallel-averted. 
Purther uses for this instrument can be found if one also 
includes in the considerations the use of photographs 
obtained by conversion printing to suit the focal length 
range of the A40* It is then possible to measure extremely 
small objects, for example such as the surface structures 
of metals and other materials. 
It is to be expected that short range photogrammetry will 
find broader utilization than hitherto, as soon as the 
potential of this method of measurement is better known 
outside of the circle of a few experts. The two new 
instruments of Wild Heerbrugg ltd. shoul provide a useful 
contribution in both existing and new fields of 

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