Full text: Commissions II (Cont.) (Part 4)

8.5- Transfer of the slotted templet points onto the bases 
The permatrace bands containing the slotted templet con' 
trol at 1/10 .000, already used in the rectification process, were 
then orientated on the grid and the slotted templet control pricked 
on the mosaic bases. 
As the tie points of adjacent strips appear on 2 bands, 
the minimization of the contradictions was taken into consideration 
for the final adjustment. 
The permatrace instability has caused longitudinal de 
formations that for common points of adjacent strips, 8 to 10 me 
ters apart, reached 1 cm. occasionally. 
The use of more stable transparent materials would be 
strongly advisable. However, only reduced size sheets were avai 
lable on the local market. 
The contradictions found could be neutralized to a 
great extent resorting to the auxiliary data - control and U.T.M. 
grids .and control joints - and orientating-the bands por sections. 
The remaining errors in the tie pointswere further mi 
nimized by pricking the average positions. They were of the order 
of 1 - 2 mm. 
In this way all the radial triangulation control was 
transferred on to the unitex bases. 
This stage of the work having been processed in the 
usual way, does not deserve any special reference - Figure №. 5. 
Although the prints had been enlarged twice in the rec 
tification, only a small number had to be repeated for tone mat 
ching, owing to the good quality of the optics of the aerial camera 
and rectifier and the skill and experience of the lab personnel. 
After gluing the rectified photographs on the bases, 
the U.T.M, coordinate grid was drawn and the coordinates inserted on 
the edge mosaics. The prints were then cut along the mosaic junc 
tions, Finally all the mosaics were numbered on the back, as shown 
on figure n Q . 3, 
Photo annotation was not included as the M.F.P.Z. had 
it available through the 1/50,000 map series. Otherwise the de 
livery time would have been somewhat delayed. 
The mosaics thus obtained were not at all easy to han 
dle in field work nor did they contain any marginal data for quick

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