Full text: Commissions III (Part 5)

Chapter IV 
Mariano Cunietti, Secretary of the Group. 
1 - Work carried out before the London congress 
“The availability of such interesting photographic material; the essentially exper 
imental aim of these tests and the absolute sense of freedom of movement, drew 
around Commission III experimental research the interest of many centres. In the 
Autumn of 1959, namely when the polygon completed, the participation to Commission 
III experimental research had reached the number of 7 Centres, each one of whom had. 
more or less, precisely outlined its own intended aims. 
“Unfortunately, the time left in hand was very short and the hope of bringing 
along to the London Congress a series of abundant results, was diminishing from day 
to day. However, and above all due to generous collaboration of the French I.G.N. 
ever so ready to help for the good success of these tests, the work of sending out mate 
rial went on uninterruptedly, sometimes overcoming great difficulties, and was thus 
completed in the Spring of 1960”. 
In the report of Commission III presented in London, the chapter on the work 
of the Centres participant in the researches of the Commission, begins by these words. 
Besides the French I.G.N., the following organizations answered the first appeal 
of the President of Commission III: the International Training Centre (I.T.C.), Delft, 
Holland; the Institute of Photogrammetry of the Federal Politechnical School of 
Zürich, Switzerland; the Centro di Addestramento e Studi Fotogrammetrici (C.A.S.F.) 
of the Politechnical School, Milano, Italy; the Ohio State University, Institute of 
Photogrammetry, U.S.A.; the Division of Applied Physics Photogrammetric Research 
of the National Research Council of Ottawa, Canada; at last a group of university 
institutes and public and private corporations of West Germany. 
On the grounds of the established rules accepted by the above mentioned organi 
zations, each of them sent to the Presidency a summary' description of the operative 
proceedings they planned to use for the execution of the block and asked for one of 
the series of photographs obtained by means of different cameras; finally, after 
a suitable choice, they communicated the control points in the Polygon that they 
intended to use for the adjustment of the block.

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