Full text: Commissions III (Part 5)

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All the participants agreed that this started experiment, still far from conclusion, 
had not to be interrupted; a proposal was accepted to submit to the meeting of the dele 
gates the appointment of a working Group charged to go on with the experimental 
researches and to conclude them as soon as possible. 
On the contrary, the proposal of the Presidency to delay for one year the date 
of the close of the measuring operations at the Centres was very controversial. In fact, 
if everybody agreed on the opportunity of a delay, the opinions on the entity of this 
delay were different. 
However, we soon reached an agreement, with a complete satisfaction of all the 
participants, whose decisions were inserted in the solutions proposed and adopted in 
the final meeting of the Delegates. 
The text of the resolutions, contained also in vol. XIII—-Part 1 of the “Interna 
tional Archives of Photogrammetry”, is the following: 
“Commission III—Aerial Triangulation 
Resolution 9—a) That the experimental work started in the preceding four 
years be continued and finished in the period 1960-64. 
b) That, during the ensuing period 1960-64, the participants in this experi 
mental work shall form a ‘Working Group’ independent of Commission III, and this 
Group shall act under the presidency of prof. Cassinis as in the past. 
c) That Commission III do not initiate any other experimental work of the 
same kind in the period 1960-64. 
d) That the seven Centres already participating in the work continue in further. 
Other Centres willing to partake in the same spirit and under the same rules, already 
laid down in the Commission III General Report 1960, are invited to join those already 
engaged in this work. 
“Resolution 10—That the difference between the co-ordinates resulting from the 
present experimental work of Commission III and the I.G.N. data be sent to the Pre 
sidency of the Working Group before the 31st December 1961. That the Centres send 
a critical and detailed report on the work done and on the results achieved to the Pre 
sidency of the Working Group and to all the other Centres before the 30th April 1962. 
“Resolution 11—That a meeting of all the participants in the experimental work 
be held in the Autumn of 1962. That after a critical examination of the different re 
sults, the form in which the final report is to be compiled and published be discussed 
at that meeting. 
“Resolution 12—The Presidency of the Working Group wishes to thank the 
French I.G.N. for the way in which it has collaborated and is sure that it may continue 
to rely upon this collaboration in the future”. 
These direct contacts at the Congress and the resolution to give to the new 
Centres the possibility of taking part to the experimental researches of the Group 
of Study, reconstituted under the same presidency of Commission III, called the 
attention of several photogrammetric organizations. 
If the contacts and the requests of adhesion were numerous, unfortunately only 
the University of Illinois Centre (Urbana, U.S.A.) could be constituted and joined the 
Therefore, the required photographic material was immediately sent also to this 
Centre, directed by prof. Karara.

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