Full text: Commissions III (Part 5)

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— ing. en chef' H. Bonneval and ing. G. de Masson d’Autume for the Centre 
I.G.N. of Paris, 
— prof. W. Schermerhorn and ir J. Yisser for the International Training Centre 
of Delft, 
— prof. dr. H. M. Karara for the University of Illinois Centre and representing 
prof. Brandenberger of the University of Ohio Centre, 
— prof. B. Forstner representing the German Group of Centres, 
— prof. M. Cunietti, Secretary of the Group of Study. 
Mr. Schut, of the National Research Council of Canada, was unable to attend 
and had sent in his comments on the proposals for the contents of the final report. 
After a few hours’ discussion some fundamental decisions were taken on the 
final report drawing up, on the presentation of the data and on the program of the 
work to be executed in the coming months, in order to make speedy its preparation. 
That unanimous decisions established: 
a) that with the Milano meeting the period for the presentation of the data 
should be definitively closed; 
b) that the Report should be printed in a single booklet, possibly within 1963; 
c) that the schema of the chapters proposed by the Presidency should be fol 
lowed with some modifications. In particular, everybody accepted the proposal that 
every centre should draw up a large and detailed relation to be wholly inserted in 
the Report and that the French I.G.N. should illustrate in two special chapters the 
characteristics of the “Massif Central” polygon, of the flights, of the different types 
of the photographic material; 
d) that the results should be presented both by suitable graphic representa 
tions and by a complete list of the residual errors of the co-ordinates of all the control 
points in each of the 20 tests. 
e) that the elimination from the graphs of some point should be noted and 
justified in each Centre’s report: 
/) that the Presidency should prepare the introductory chapters, co-ordinate 
the drawing-up of the reports, so that a certain homogeneousness might be reached, 
draw up a schema for a uniform presentation of the data and deduce the final con 
clusions on the whole work of the Group; 
g) that the printing charges of the Report should be partially borne also by 
the different Working Centres and not only by the Presidency. Exception was made 
for the French I.G.N. that had already very considerably contributed to the activity 
of the Group, offering the preparation of the polygon and meeting a great part of the 
flight expenses. 
At the end of the Milano meeting a calendar was established for the future phases 
of the drawing-up of the different chapters that had to be approved by all the Centres, 
before printing. 
This co-operation between Centres and Presidency in exposing and presenting 
the data was not very easy to attain and required frequent contacts between Centres 
and Presidency. 
The Presidency always found in all the Centres the greatest comprehension and 
a generous desire of co-operation. 
Thanks to these joined efforts it is possible now to present this Report, with 
the hope that its utility may be of the same level of the care and of the effort made 
by all those who cooperated to its preparing. 

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