Full text: Commissions III (Part 5)

For graphs of the differences in X, Y and Z of points common to adjacent 
strips: see diagrams nrs 1 ,a,b,c. 
As an example, in the graphs of the X- and Y- differences between strips 2 and 1 
and between 8 and 7, also the differences in the terrestrial check-points (T-points) 
are shown. 
Absolute precision of the block-adjustment. — From the differences between the 
coordinates of all check points as obtained by our triangulation and those obtained 
by ground survey, we found: 
♦ Sm-p 
0 4r 
Fig. la 
m h =4.1 m = 0.49 % 0 Z 
m x = 4.1 m = 63 microns 
m y = 4.2 m = 63 microns 
Not included in this computation were 6 height check points and 26 planimetrie 
check points, which we rejected on the following grounds:

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