Full text: Commissions III (Part 5)

- 21 - 
r ersity, U.S. A. 
ial triangulation with 
ernational Congress of 
icerning Subject 4 was 
m aerial triangulation 
• ) ? 
ial triangulation with 
y data in the future for 
diary data in your coun- 
.1 instrumental aerial 
)f ground control is used 
xiliary data ? Give a 
d out in your country 
o instrument used, type 
:*ound, number of models 
riangulations mentioned 
lodel and the time requi- 
ment in terms of man 
n question). 
uxiliary data compare 
and with conventional 
National Reporters and 
Canada : 
Prof. Dr. Ing. K. RINNER, Technische Hochschule Graz, Graz. 
Mr. H. P. DANIELS, Deputy Director, Office of the Director General of Surveys, 
Mr. R. E. MOORE, Photogrammetric Committee The Canadian Institute of Sur 
veying, Ottawa National Reporter. 
Dr. J. M. ZARZYCKI, Chief Engineer Canadian Aero Service, Ltd., Ottawa. 
Finland : 
France : 
Mr. U. K. KORHONEN, Helsinki. 
L'Ingénieur en Chef Géographe BONNEVAL, Institut Géographique National, Paris. 
: Dr. Ing. W. BRUCKLACHER, Zeiss Aerotopograph, Oberkochen. 
Great Britain : Mr. J. A. WEIGHTMAN, Principal Mathematician, Research and Mathematical 
Support Section, J. A. R. I. C. (U. K.), Royal Air Force, Brampton, Huntingdon. 
Lt. Col. Engrs. M. M. DATTA, Deputy Director (Photogrammetry), Northern Di - 
rectorate, Survey of India, Dehra Dun. 
Eng. S. BASSITI, Director, National Cartographie Center, Teheran. 
Mr.K.NAOHARA, Chief, Surveying Dept., Kokusai Aerial Surveys Co., Ltd. , Tokyo. 
South Africa : Mr. Paul MEADOWS, Dept, of Land Surveying, University of Cape Town, Ron- 
debosch, C. P. 
India : 
Iran : 
Japan : 
Spain : 
Mr. Juan BONELLI, Secretario General Real Sociedad GeQgrafico, Madrid. 
Byradir. Thore JORNSTAD, Rikets Allmanna Kartverk, Stockholm, National Repor 
Prof. Bertil HALLERT, Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm. 
Switzerland : Prof. Dr. H. KASPER, Institute for Geodesy and Photogrammetry, Federal Ins 
titute of Technology, Zurich. 
The Netherlands : Ir. C. M. A. VAN DEN HOUT, Rijkswaterstaat Meetkundige Dienst, Delft. 
U. S. A. : Mr. Charles THEURER, USC and GS, Washington D. C., National Reporter. 
Mr. Sidney E. TISCHLER, Chief Production and Distribution Plant, Headquarters 
Aeronautical Chart and Information Center, United States Air Force, St. Louis, 
Lt. Col., Corps of Engineers Assistant Commanding Officer. 
Thomas W. WHITCHURCH, Army Map »Service, Washington D. C. 
Captain J. E. WAUGH, Chief, Photogrammetry Division, U. S. Coast and Geodetic 
Survey, Washington D. C. 
Prof. Arthur McNAIR, Cornell University, Ithaca, New York. 
Mr. Milton GLICKEN, Special Projects Director, Fairchild Aerial Surveys, Los 
Angeles, California. 
Mr. H. C. CAIN, Chief Photogrammetric Service Center, U.S. Forest Service, Was 
hington D. C. 
Mr. Randall D. ESTEN, Chief Photogrammetry Division, Geodesy, InteUigence and 
Mapping Research and Development Agency, U. S. Army Engineer, Fort Belvoir, 
Mr. Earle J. FENNEL, Acting Chief Topographic Engineer, U. S. Geological Survey, 
Washington D. C. 
Mr. R. I. BEATON, Director, Nautical Chart Division, U. S. Naval Oceanographic 
Office, Washington D. C. 
Colonel George W. HUMBRECHT, Photographic and Survey Branch, Joint Chiefs of 
Staff, Washington D. C. 
Prof. Arthur J. BRANDENBERGER, Research Supervisor, Photogrammetry, Dept, 
of Geodetic Science, The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio.

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