Full text: Commissions III (Part 5)

We feel that a conclusion can be reached, even from the results of these 'short experiments: 
the AP/C, at least in its function of an aerial triangulator, is perfectly comparable with a precision 
plotter as far as its use and, in particular, its accuracy. 
We are grateful to Mr. Colla and Mr. Vanossi for their industrious and intelligent collabo 
ration in the execution of the measures, which has greatly contributed in the good results 
of the work. We also thank Mr. Foland who gave us precious information on the AP/C 
U. V. Helava, New principle for photogrammetric plotters. O.M.I., Roma. 
U. V. Helava, Analytical plotter in photogrammetric production line. O.M.I., Roma. 
U. V. Helava, Mathematical methods in the design of photogrammetric plotters. Photogrammetria XVI, 
1959-1960, No. 2. 
U. V. Helava, Analytical Plotter using incremental computer. Photogrammetric Engineering, June i960. 
U. V. Helava, An ultimate solution of relative orientation. O.M.I., Roma. 
E. C. Johnson, Systems design of a digital control computer for an Analytical Stereoplotter. Presented at 
the Society’s 27th Annual Meeting - Washington, D. C., March 19-22, 1961. 
S. J. Friedman, APfi - A new concept in stereoplotting. Photogrammetric Engineering, July 1962. 
G. Parenti, The Analytical Plotter. Atti del Convegno sulla Fotogrammetria Numerica. Milano, 2 ot- 
tobre 1962. 
E. C. Johnson and V. C. Kamm, Computer and programs for the AP/C Analytical Stereoplotter. O.M.I., 
G. Parenti, Present stage of the Analytical Plotter development. Lecture held on 22nd May 1963 at I.T.C., 
O.M.I., Analytical Plotter Mod. AP/C. Roma, 1963. 
M. Cunietti, Activité de la Commission B de l’O.E.E.P.E. pendant la période Septembre i960-Janvier 
1964. Publication officielle de l’O.E.E.P.E. N0. 1, Août 1964. 

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