Full text: Commissions III (Part 5)

precise the first rule. 
Each right photograph of an oriented stereogram in a strip v being 
removed to the left side of the Wild A8 autograph for the orientation of 
the next stereogram, has some elements the same as those, which were in 
the former stereogram* or there are distinct reletions between the homog 
nous elements« This is due to the fact, that some elements of the outer 
orientation of an air photograph/e.g.the angle of inclination of the 
photograph and its flight height/ are identical, notwithstanding to the 
fact in which stereogram this picture is included„ In order that we can 
make use of this general rule for the method described here, for which 
the distinct definitions of the lateral and longitudinal angles of incli 
nation were adopted, the condition of rectilinearity of the strip of air 
photographs must be fulfilled with sufficient accuracy. Thus this rule 
may be extended on the lateral and longitudinal angles of inclination. 
Thus we can formulate, 
The 1 rule: The outer lateral angle of inclination /CJ / of the air 
photograph is always the same, irrespective of the fact 
in which stereogram this photograph is included. 
We can represent chis rule by the series of the following relations: 
i st 
*■*/1+1/. i « 
where the first index denotes the number of the air photograph and the 
second index - the number of the stereogram.

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