Full text: Commissions III (Part 5)

1 1 
— number of models of the strip less one 
— number of points of the first model from which the ground coordinates are known 
— numbers of identification and planimetric coordinates (ground) of those points 
in the same order in which they are punched in the general ribon 
The order of the planimetric coordinates must be such as to permit that the 
punching of the system defined by the first and the second may be superposed 
to the X, Y autograph system. 
— number of points of the last model whose ground coordinates are known. 
— numbers of identification and (ground) planimetric coordinates of these points 
by the same order as for the first model. 
— numbers of identification and (X, Y. Z) autograph coordinates of the same 
The heights may have any value as they are not considered in the computation. 
— number of order of the first model to be computed (the first of the strip is the 
model O). 
— number of models to be computed. 
— mean base of the strip (in autograph system unities). 
— Z correction in a point of the last model placed on the strip axis. 
— Z correction due to an error according O, for a point with the same Xp of the 
point previously considered and with Yp equal to a estabilished value. 
— X (autograph) of the points considered in the previous corrections. 
— number of order of the respective model. 
— list of the A(p of the strip. 
— list of the X coordinates of the central pass points. 
— eventually, list of the statoscope data to the various cameras of the strip from 
the second.

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