Full text: Commissions III (Part 5)

3,2.2 — PROGRAMME AT-2 
This programme performs the adjustment strips with one or more intermediary 
controls, the number of height controls being independent of the number of 
planimetric controls. 
The auxiliary data to be punched are: 
Indicative of the type of height adjustment (as in 3.2.1). 
— number of models in the strip, less one: 
number of points of the first model, whose ground coordinates are known. 
numbers of identification and planimetric coordinates of those points (as in 
number of planimetric controls (including intermediary and final). 
— number of points of the first control, whose ground coordinates are known. 
numbers of identification and planimetric coordinates (ground) of those points 
(as in the first model). 
numbers of identification and (autograph) planimetric coordinates of the same 
the same of the three previous paragraphs to the second and eventually to the 
third control. 
— number of height controls. 
numbers of order of the respective models (as in 3.2.1). 
— correction on the axis of the strip, due to an error O, and respective Xp to an 
intermediary (or two) and final controls. 
— list of the A<p of the strip. 
lists of X coordinates of the central pass points. 
_ eventually, list of the statoscope data to the various cameras of the strip, from 
the second. 
Programme and Computer 
The programme may be used in National-Elliot 803 computers with 4096 or 8192 
words of memory. 
It is written in Antocode Mark 3.

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