Full text: Commissions III (Part 5)

The programme is made for strips with a maximum of 59 models and each model 
can have 25 points. 
The capacity may be easily increased by modification of the limits of the variables 
in the introductions of SETF. 
When utilising the translated programme, this will enter with 40 0 : 00 0 read, 
operate, normal, operate. 
In the same way the ribon shall be read with the auxiliary functions of the 
autocode (tape 2). 
The general ribon must be placed in reader 2 and the auxiliary in reader 1. 
The programme will begin to be executed with 40 16 : 00 0 read, operate, normal, 
Indications of Error 
If the X value of the first pass point is different in the auxiliary and general ribon, 
the machine points ERRO DE DADOS in chanel 3 (which must be corrected with 
the teleprinter) and after it stops. 
There are still the indications of Standard error in this type of programme. 
«Floating — point overflow» can not appear with right data, so they shall be 
examined if the computer stops with this indication. 
Form of the Results (Parable) 
After the title there are written the values A and B of the final inverse transfor 
mation, the values Mo and Po and the Paraboles coefficients. 
They are followed by the adjusted points, each one having its indicative, the 
M and P coordinates with two decimal figures and the height Z with one. 
There is a space to separate the models. 
In the case of the existence of two planimetrie controls the points are repeated and 
the values of the planimetrie coordinates corresponding to the 2 nd degree parabole 
come in 1 st place.

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