Full text: Commissions III (Part 5)

Having thus achieved by means of calculations the continuity (in 
the closing up) between the various models of the block under exami 
nation, we can set up a comparison between the topographic coordinates 
X, Y and the transformed coordinates X* and Y* of the known control 
points not included within the first strip (basis strip), to determine the 
relative discrepancies. 
The adjustment of these discrepancies may be obtained by further 
applying the above calculation procedure, as one can ideally consider 
— in view of the achieved homogeneity and continuity between the 
models — the whole block as forming a single strip. 
If this practice may on the one side appear somewhat simple, 
on the other it proves most useful in view of the results it can provide 
in the solution of several mapping problems connected with blocks 
of strips. 
So far it was successfully used to realize the planimetric setting 
indispensable for the stereoplotting in technical mapping at the scales 
of 1:2 000, 1:5 000 and 1:10 000, and it proved particularly effective 
for blocks of 3 5 strips made 15-20 photographs each (longitudinal 
overlap 60% and lateral overlap 20%), framed at the end parts, ac 
cording to the classical system, by transverse strips. 
[1] G. P. Le Divelec, Rilevamenti aerofotogrammetrici ad elevata precisione altime 
trica. Bollettino della Società Italiana di Fotogrammetria e Topografia. Anno 1955, 
N. 1. 
[2] L. Solaini et C. Trombetti, Rapport sur les résultats des travaux d’enchaînement 
et de compensation exécutés pour la Commission A de l’O.E.E.P.E. jusqu’au mois 
de fanvier 1960. Tome 1 (Tableaux et texte) et 2 (Atlas). N. V. Uitgeverij 
« Argus ». Amsterdam 1961. 
[3] G. P. Le Divelec, L’emploi de la triangulation aérienne comme procédé normal 
de restitution de cartes topographiques et de plans techniques. International Ar 
chives of Photogrammetry. Vol. XIII, Part 5. N. V. Uitgeverij « Argus ». Amster 
dam 1961. 
[4] M. Fondelli, Osservazioni e suggerimenti sulla tecnica della triangolazione aerea 
analogica. Bollettino di Geodesia e Scienze affini. Anno XXI, N. 1, Gennaio-Febbraio- 
Marzo 1962. 
[5] R. Marchant, Le calcul des coordonnées-terrain à partir des coordonnées-appareil. 
Bulletin de la Société Belge de Photogrammétrie. N. 15, Avril 1949.

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