Full text: Commissions III (Part 5)

other factors on the direction of the base in the photographs in regard 
to the image coordinate axes of the photographs. In order to transfer 
<p and to from the machine system to the camera system the greatest tilt 
(y) and its direction (r) must be determined according to the follow 
ing formulas [15] 
V tan 2 o) + sm 2 a> 
tan v = 
COS <p 
sincosin* COStoSinpCOSK 
tan t = . , . 
SineoCOSK + COSwSinpSmK 
or for small angle values 
v — y^ 2 + (i) 2 
tan t = — 
f — — v sin r 
a> — u COS t 
The differential formulas of (7) and (8) are 
d<p = — v cos t d t 
dto = — v sin r d r 
After inserting (7), (8) and dT =—(n\z km- 
) = — K A8 
into (9) and (10), the following formulas are found 
dy> — — w • K,\8 ‘ — 
do) = + (f ■ u A8 . 
The corrections were computed for the obtained machine values ac 
cording to (11) and (12). As the greatest inclination in this investiga 
tion is under Is and the greatest k value is about 4s, the greatest cor 
rection is about 4 C . If, on the contrary, e. g. w = 3.0s and k = 3.0s 
it is observed that dp — 14.l c , which proves that the actual correction 
depending on different coordinate and axes systems can be very im 
6. The accuracy of the inclination angles in the autograph. 
The main purpose of this investigation was to determine the accuracy 
of the horizon camera values. In order to execute this the accuracy of

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