Full text: Commissions III (Part 5)

After inserting the coordinates into (16) the corrections in the ele 
vations of the control points are obtained according to the following 
h 2 
h 2 + b 2 
dhn = —- 
f ( dK 2 — d*l) - 
V cl( "‘ 1 
dw*> — d • dw 2 
b Y ~ 
h 2 -1- b 2 
h 2 
dh 91 = —- 
— (d« 2 — d Kl ) —■ 
d<Pi + d<p 2 (17) 
h 2 
h 2 + b 2 
dhi 9 = k 
(d« 2 — d Kl ) — “ 
d<Pi + 
, d<p 2 4- d • dwo 
h 2 
4- b 2 
h 2 
dh 99 — k 
(d K2 — d Kl ) - 
b ,l?, ‘ 
+ yy dfs 
rvfter inserting (17) into (14) the influence of the errors of the 
relative orientation upon the elements of the absolute orientation is 
dr] = — d<pi — df 2 
h 1 
d£ = (d« x — dx 2 ) — " dwo (18) 
It is customary to denote the final inclination angles with 0 lt 0 2 , 
iJ ly and Q 2 . In order to obtain the final values of these angles it is 
necessary to consider the residual errors in the elevation, the influences 
of the relative orentation, the compensations in the control points, 
the index errors of the stereo-plotting machine, the curvature of the 
earth, and the refraction. The influences of the residual errors in the 
elevations are denoted with dr) and d£, the corrections of the index 
errors with d<p lf do> x (left) and d<p r , do>,. (right), the influence of the 
curvature and the refraction with d<p , and the measured values with 
<Pi, on, <P2 and oj 2 . The following formulas are found (cf. equations 
(87) — (90) in [19]): 
0i = + dr| — d<p 2 + dyq + d^ c 
02 — tp 2 T dr) — d^i + d<p r — . (19) 
h 1 
111 — wi + d| 4- ~ (6ki — c!k 2 ) — do) 2 T dwi 
b 2 
h 1 
11 2 — o) 2 4~ d£ + ” (dfq — dK 2 ) + — dw 2 4- do,. 
The accuracy of the inclination angles can be determined by means 
of the formulas in (19) but the influence of the errors in the interior

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