Full text: Commissions III (Part 5)

Ref erring to equations 15, 16 and 17 the following partial 
derivatives could be obtained: 
¿fa AX) 
) fax) 
c5 (c/A<v) 
¿fax) - 
¿far) _ 
() c/ax) 
¿(&r) = 
¿ fa'au/) 
b (At) 
¿fax) ' 
a (**) 
~WJj " 
¿faA fa) 
¿M " 
~b(Jx) ' 
+ c/AX 
_ x J ) _ xr 
J-5V 3 
-Y + fa 
x x k z 
+ z - 
y Y 
- Y 
fa. - jC 
2 TW 
Before combining equations 57 thru 68 with equations 50 thru 53 to 
get the values of f4 A y and f-i A |_|, as given in equations 54 thru 
56, the propagation of errors in the quasi-observations, as well as 
those in A X , A Y and AH , should be studied. 
According to equations 50 thru 53, the accuracy (mean square 
error) of the different quasi-observations at any model N can be given 
as follows:

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