Full text: Commissions III (Part 5)

61 - 
1 surveys c : a 10 
;e results in most of 
îurvey and its District 
; 23) white targets are 
targets have to be e- 
a Zeiss C8 Stereo - 
led directly on cards. 
These are program- 
Dgrammes provision 
ved to be 40 microns 
1 0 of the total mapping 
analytical methods ha- 
rtaken in the imme- 
(Cf. n° 15) 
ates (corrections for 
tion, aircraft motion 
ion to other coordi- 
eal internal camera 
f known ground con- 
he space cartesian 
ations for auxiliary 
data from : Airborne Profile Recorder, Statoscope, Aerodist, Solar Periscope, Horizon pho - 
tographs etc) 
4 - Achieving a least squares adjustment by the usual process of forming normal equations from 
the observation equations and solving them 
5 - Using the improved camera positions and orientations for obtaining final space cartesian, 
again as above (conversion to other coordinate systems) 
C - Basic coordinate systems 
1 - Geodetic geographicals and associated space cartesian coordinates 
2 - Astronomic geographicals and associated space cartesian coordinates 
3 - Localised space cartesian coordinates (computing azimuths, distances, horizontal angles, 
vertical angles, geodetic datum changes in any of the above systems) 
Istituzione di un poligono sperimentale in Italia per lo studio dei blocchi di strisciate 
nella triangolazione aerea analitica 
E' stata costituita in Italia una " Impresa di ricerca sui blocchi di triangolazione aerea 
analitica ", sotto il patrocinio del Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, formata dal Politecnico 
di Milano e dall' Istituto Geografico Militare di Firenze. Lo scopo dell'Impresa di ricerca è sta 
bilire le techniche operative ed i metodi di compensazione per i blocchi ; a tale fine l'Istituto 
Geografico Militare ha fatto la preparazione a terra di una zona, nei dintorni di Firenze, di 
circa 30 x 30 km^ determinando le coordinate pianimetriche ed altimetriche di circa 300 punti, 
segnalizzati in modo da resultare riconoscibili sui fotogrammi, ed ha eseguito i voli per la pre 
sa. Si danno notizie sui criteri seguiti per la scelta della zona, sulla segnalizzazione dei punti 
a terra e sui metodi impiegati per la loro determinazione e per il calcolo. Vengono fatte, inol 
tre, alcune considerazioni sulle strisciate ottenute dai voli e sui programmi di lavoro della ri 
Establishment in Italy of an experimental polygon to study flight strips blocks in the 
aerial analitical triangulation 
It has been set up in Italy a " Research enterprise for the Analitical Aerial Triangula 
tion Blocks ", sponsored by the Italian National Research Council, formed by the Polytecnic of 
Milan and the Italian Military Geographic Institute of Florence. Aim of the Research enterprise 
is to establish the working techniques and methods of adjustment for the blocks ; with such aim 
the Military Geographic Institute carried out the preparation on the ground of an area, in the 
surroundings of Florence, of about 30 x 30 square km, locating the planimetry and altitude 
coordinates of about 300 points, marked on the ground in such way to be easily spotted on pho 
tograms and afterwards the aerial reconnaissance flights took place. News is given here on the 
followed criteria in the selection of the area, on land marks system at ground points and on the 
employed methods to locate them and for calculation. Besides, some considerations are also 
being made here on the strips obtained from aerial surveying and on the working research pro 
Institution d'un polygone expérimental en Italie pour l'étude des blocs de bandes dans 
la Triangulation Aérienne Analytique 
On a constitué en Italie une " Entreprise de Recherche sur les Blocs de Triangulation 
Aérienne Analytique ", sous le patronage du Conseil National des Recherches Italien, formé 
par le Polytechnique de Milan et l'Institut Géographique Militaire de Florence. Le but de " l'En

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