Full text: Commissions III (Part 5)

Since the ilp curves have zero ordinates at both ends of the bridged 
distance, the integral curves will have zero slope at both ends. 
absissa L/2, the integral curves will have to be "reflected" at a 
point whose absissa is L/2. This leads to the conclusion that the 
values for and ^LL^^in the middle of the curve (for L/2) 
will be equal to one half of the value of the corresponding terms 
at the end of the curve (at L). As an example, we will have 
These two characteristics of the curves representing jLL^y& 
jU^are shown in Figure 11. 
In determining jLL^^, ¡JL ^y,/^|_|for a bridged distance X, it will 
be necessary then to determine | for a distance equal 
to X/2 and multiply the result by 2 to get the mean square errors in 
determining X, Y and Z at the end of the bridged distance. 
To get the accuracy of determining the position of any point 
after applying the Cross-Bases Method adjustment, the following 
generally accepted formula will be used: 
Combining equations 50 thru 53> equations 57 thru 68 and equations 
54 and 55* and. dropping the terms including the derivatives of the quasi 
observations (insignificant compared to the other terms, especially 
when squared), we get the following equation: 

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