Full text: Commissions III (Part 5)

1. Bachmann, W. K., "Etudes sur la Photogrammetrie Aerienne," 
Copyright 1946 by S. A. de Vente des Instruments de Géodésie 
H. Wild, Heerbrugg (SG), Switzerland. 
2. Brandenberger, A. J., "The Practice of Spatial Aerial Triangula 
tion, " 1956, Photogrammetrie Institute of the Swiss Federal 
Institute of Technology, Zurich, Switzerland. 
3. Hallert, B., "Photogrammetry", McGraw-Hill, New York, i960. 
4. "I.T.C. Textbook of Photogrammetry", International Training Centre 
for Aerial Surveys, Delft, The Netherlands. 
5. Karara, H. M., "Fehlerfortpflanzung und Ausgleichung von Aerotri- 
angulationsstreifen mit gemessenen Querstrecken," Diss. E.T.H. 
Zurich, Switzerland, 195&. 
6. Karara, H. M., "Cross-Bases Method in Aerial Trangulation, " 
Fhotogrammetric Engineering, Vol. XXIII, No. December, 1957» 
7. Karara, H. M., "Maximum Bridging Distance in Spatial Aerotriangula- 
tion", Fhotogrammetric Engineering, Vol. XXVII, N0. 4, September, 
8. Karara, H. M., "Capabilities and Limitations of Spatial Aerotri- 
angulation", Photogrammetric Engineering, Vol. XXIX, No. 1, 
January, 1963« 
9. Karara, H. M., "Studies in Spatial Aerotriangulation I", Technical 
Report N0. 5> Engineering Experiment Station, University of 
Illinois, 1963. 
10. Schwidefsky, K., "An Outline of Photogramme try", Pitman Publishing 
Corporation, New York, 1959* 
11. Vermeier, P. A., "La triangulation aerienne. Propagation des 
erreurs et compensation", Bulletin de la Société Belge de 
Photogrammetrie, No. 35> 1954. 
Zeller, M., "Text Book of Phot ogrammet ry", H. K. Lewis & Co., Ltd. 
London, 1952. 

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